Network Security Past Paper of SAK

Paper consists of 3 sections:

section 1: (20 marks)

Q1: given 32 bit hex value, pass it through E/P table. E/P table was not given.

Q2: RSA algorithm. e = 7, p = 5, q = 11. Message in binary = (1000), find plain-text, cipher-text, d, z

Q3: Given 64 bit hex value, pass it through IP table, IP table was given.

section 2: (26 marks)

– configuration of pvlan with example.

– difference between MAC and one way. Hash value

– explain briefly working of ipsec AH and ESP in tunnel and transport mode. support AH in transport and tunnel mode.

– briefly explain the making of digital signature.

– differentiate the following.

– confusion and diffusion

– private key authority and private key certificate

– circuit level gateway and application level gateway firewall

(few more questions,,, i don’t remember..)

section 3: (16 marks)

14 mcq’s, 2 fill in the blanks

NOTE: Major part of the paper was from IPSEC.

Q no 1.

given input of binary number : 00001111101010100

32 bit in DEs passing from E/p table

Q no 1 a

input :11223344556677

in hexadecimail PASsing from PC-1 given TABLe !

Q no 2.

Digital signature ?? Explain

Q no. 3

RSA LAB Question , n=55 , p=5, q =11, E= 7

message M =(1000) in binary convert into Ciper txt

Q no 4,

difference b/w

Tunnel mode and transparent mode


no 5.

difference b/w MAC and IPsec

Q no 6

breifly explain about

a.message authentication

tunnel mode

ipsec .

Qno 8

configure PVLAN of its step with example .

Q no 9

MCQ of 20 marks

protected ports . pvlan, MD5 ,RSA , IPSEC ,

Parallel Computing Stuff:

Here, I am sharing some great and useful links of Parallel Computing:

1) Parallel Computing: Click Here

2) Pipeling (CAO Tutorials):Click Here

3) Dynamic Scheduling: Click Here Click Here

==>Score Board: Click Here Click Here

2) MPI Tutorials:Click Here

Click Here Link2

Difference Between Core 2 Due and Dual Core:

Dual Core is Technology which is used by every company and Intel used this technology called Intel Core 2 Due.(It is same as Diaper(Dual Core) and Pamper(Core 2 Due))

Difference between Multicore and Multiprocessor:

a mutli-processor system is a system that contains more than one physical processor. each of those processors can contain multiple cores AND

in a multi-core processor each of the cores are generally slower (in raw speed) than a fast single-core processor. Also, all of the cores in that processor share the same system bus and main memory. However, for most daily tasks this isn’t a noticeable issue and for most users the system will feel faster as they are able to do more simple tasks at once.

in a multi-processor system performance will be increased in cases where there are multiple high intensity tasks being performed. depending on the motherboard this may be because each processor will have its own dedicated bus and/or main memory, allowing them to use the full capabilities of each for those tasks.